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10 CMD Commands To Boost Your Productivity


In this Blog, I will tell you the top and one of the best CMD or command prompt commands That will Boost Your Productivity And If you are a Programmer then This will Help you alot in Your Programming Journey, And I am Pretty Sure that You might Be Not Knowing all of the Commands.

10 Best CMD Commands

CMD Command 1: cd

change directory is used to To change the drive and the directory at the same time.

CMD Command 2: dir

Displays directory is used view all the Directory Stored In any System

CMD Command 3: cls

cls or clear screen is used ro clear the whole terminal.

CMD Command 4: color

color or color help is used to change the color of the console.

CMD Command 5: hostname

It is used to display the hostname on the screen

CMD Command 6: exit

exit Command is used to exit the prompt without clicking the cross button.

CMD Command 7: start

It is used to Start your own window to execute and run Commands

CMD Command 8: ver

ver is used to check the version of Windows you are using.

CMD Command 9: ipconfig

ipconfig is used to display your ip address of your machine.

CMD Command 10: find

find Command is used to find the files on the system.

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