Mr Programmer

WintoMacOS v1.0 (Make Windows Like macOS

Hey Explorers, This is All In One Package To Make your Windows Machines Either Be Windows 10,7,8 Look & Somehow Work Like macOS.

I Have Created This With a Use of 7 other Softwares And They Are Credited to Their Respected Owners, This Do Not Claim Others Software.

WintoMacOS v1.0 Screenshots:

MacOS Theme Preview 1

Get Source Code On GitHub: TanmayProgrammer-13


For this Project I Have Used the Following Softwares for Customization of Windows 10:


2. OldNewExplorer

3. MacOS Theme for Windows 10

4. 7tsp_gui_2019_edition_by_devillnside_ddb5026

5. Rainmeter

6. MacOS Cursor Icons Pack

7. RockDock

1. UltraUX Theme Patcher

Ultra UX Theme Patcher is a useful application designed by Manuel Hofes. Simply put, this app modifies your system files, so your computer can download Windows themes without crashes or lags. The program gives subtle prompts to help you understand the installation and integration process.

2. OldNewExplorer

OldNewExplorer is a shell extension and tweaker that can undo “improvements” to file browsing added in Windows 10, 8.1, and 8. It has many options allowing you to completely restore Windows Explorer to the old style or only change what you don’t like.

3. MacOS Theme for Windows 10

MacOS Theme for Windows 10 is Just A macOS Theme For Windows 10 Containing Cursor, Wallpaper, Colors etc.

4. 7tsp_gui_2019_edition_by_devillnside_ddb5026

This is Patcher For Windows To Fix Minor things to Make Windows Like macOS

5. Rainmeter

Rainmeter is a free and open-source desktop customization utility for Windows released under the GNU GPL v2 license. It allows users to create and display user-generated customizable desktop widgets or applets called “skins” that display information.

6. MacOS Cursor Icons Pack

Just a Cursor Pack Containing All the macOS Cursors

7. RockDock

RocketDock is an application launcher developed by PolyVector and Skunkie of Punk Labs, working with artist Zachary Denton, for Windows that provides a dock similar to that of the Mac OS X Aqua GUI. It is freely available under a Creative Commons license and is distributed by Punk Labs.

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