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Complete Web Development RoadMap 2023 | Web Development |5 min read

Complete Web Development RoadMap 2022 | Web Development |

Hey Web Devs, In Post We will Looking to the Web Development Roadmap, Previously I Have Posted a Front-End Development Roadmap. In this Post We Will be Knowing the Technologies & Languages Required to Become a Successful Web Developer. 

Web Development Roadmap (Key Points): 

  • Choosing a Technology 
  • Frontend Development
  • Backend Development
  • DataBase
  • VCS (Version Control System)
  • Building Projects
  • 5 Web Development Project Ideas to Build
  • Conclusion

1. Choosing a Technology 

In Order to Become a Good Web Developer, You Should Choose & Master Any Particular Technology. Web Development mainly Consists of Frontend, Backend, And DBMS (DataBase Management System). 

Popular Technologies Used In Web Development:

  • NodeJS: Open-Source Cross Platform JavaScript runtime environment.
  • ExpressJS:  Backend Web Application Framework
  • ReactJS: A JavaScript library for building User Interfaces, building single-page applications.
  • MySQL: MySQL is an open-source relational database management system.

2. Frontend Development

 Frontend Development is the User Interface or UI of the Website, Through Which the User Interacts With the Website, Frontend Development Comprises With HTML, CSS & JavaScript.

  • HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): HTML is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets and scripting languages such as JavaScript.
  • CSS (Cascading Styling Sheets): Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML or XML.
  • JavaScript: JavaScript is a programming language that is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS.
  • Learn Frameworks: After Learning the Programming Languages, you Can Also Learn any of the Web Framework or Library Like ReactJS, Angular, Vue.js etc.

3.  Backend Development

The Language Which Runs on the Server, and Sends & Receive Data By Client From Server. Backend Development Also Consists of DataBase, Because the Backend Only Handles Storage of the Site or In Simple Words It Stores all the Data of your Website. 

There are mainly three parts of a Backend Development:

  • Server
  • Web Application
  • DataBase

Skills Required For a Backend Developer:

  • Programming Languages: Backend Developer Should Have a Good Understanding of Backend Programming Languages Like PHP, JavaScript, Python etc. Learning JavaScript Is a Good Option For You Because JavaScript will Help you In Both Frontend & Backend Development.
  • Frameworks: In Order to Become a Good Developer You Must Know At Least One Framework Along with a Programming Language. Some of the Best Backend Frameworks are Flask, Django, or Other Python Based Framework. 
  • DataBases: After Learning the Frameworks & Languages You Also Need a Basic Understanding of DataBases that How DataBases Work, How to Work With DataBases etc. There are Many DataBases Like MySQL, MongoDB And More. DataBases Plays a Very Important Role In Backend Development Because It Organizes all the Files And Data. The Server Serves the Data When it Is Requested by the Client. 
  • API (Application Program Interface): API is a Set Of Predefined Rules that Enhances the Communication Between the Server & the Client.It Is Used to Connect Two Applications. 

4.  DataBases

A DataBase is a Collection of Data or Files Through Which We can Manage the Content Stored on the Web. There are Two Types Of DataBases:

  • Relational DataBase (like MySQL)
  • Non-Relational DataBase (like NoSQL)

Some of the Popular DataBases:

  • MySQL: MySQL is an open-source relational database management system.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program.
  • Redis: Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.
  • Oracle: Oracle Database is a multi-model database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. 

5. VCS (Version Control System)

VCS or Version Control System is Also Very Important for a Developer to Manage His Source Code. Because for a Developer the Source Code is Very Important And In Order to Keep the Code Safe Just Cannot Save It In Our System or Local Storage, But We Need a Online Presence of the Code So that we can Access it From Anywhere In the World. For That Purpose We Use a Version Control System. 

Popular Version Control Systems:

  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Beanstalk
  • Mercurial

6. Building Projects

In Order To Become a Good Web Developer, We Should Also Create Some Projects Using The Programming Languages, Frameworks, Libraries That We Have Learned. Creating Project is Also Good For Practicing For a New Comer to Enhance His Skills. 

5 Web Development Project Ideas to Build

1.  To-Do List

A Basic Organization of Your Tasks Is a To-Do, Create a To-Do List Using HTML,CSS & JavaScript. You can Add Edit, Delete, Add New Buttons to the To-Do List. Creating a To-Do List Will Help Understanding the Concepts Well.

Source Code: To-Do List HTML,CSS & JavaScript

2. Notes App

Make a Notes Taking Apps Using Pure JavaScript, We Will Be Using HTML & CSS But the Main Focus Will be On JavaScript. It is Very Important to Master JavaScript as a Web Developer.

Source Code:  Create Notes App Using Pure JavaScript

3.  Facebook Post Clone

Facebook Post Clone is Going to be a Very Interesting Project That we will be creating in Web Development, This will Exactly Look like Real Facebook Post this is just a User Interface Which we see before posting Anything To Facebook.

Source Code: Create Facebook Post Clone Using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

4. Realtime Chat Application

In this You Will Create a Realtime Chat App Which we can create by Using That will help to Connect with your Friends and You can Chat on a Particular Port, This is the Best Example of Server Side Application.

Source Code: Realtime Chat Application

5. Password Validation Using JavaScript

Password Validation System using JavaScript which will tell you that How Strong Your Password is And How should Your Password Be To Become a Strong One.

Source Code: Password Validation Using JavaScript

More More Projects: 10 Web Development Projects With Source Codes!


To Become a Good Web Developer You Should Know & Master All the Above Mentioned Aspects And You can Also Build Projects To Enhance Your Skills More & It is Also a Good Practise For a New Developer or New Comer. So this Was it For this Blog See you In the Next One Till Then Keep Coding Keep Exploring!

Tanmay Sinha