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Password Cracker Using Python | Crack Passwords Using Python1 min read

Hey Python Programmers, This Project is going to be a interesting Because in this post we will be Creating Something Different Using Python. A Password Cracker Using Python Which Cracks Password Through Some Hints.

So Let’s Get Started with Our Blog But Before That if have Not Seen my Previous Python Projects You can Check Them Out Here: Python.

We Will be Using Python Random Module to Guess the Password With Some Hints.

Importing Required Modules:

from random import *
user_Password = input("Enter Your Password: ")
password = ('a','b','c''d','e','f','g','h''i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u''v','w','x','y','z')
guess = ""

    for alphabet in range(len(user_Password)):
        guess_alphabet = password[randint(0,25)]
        guess = str(guess_alphabet)+str(guess)
print('Your Password Is',guess)

Complete Code:

#Password Cracker Using Python
from random import *
user_Password = input("Enter Your Password: ")
password = ('a','b','c''d','e','f','g','h''i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u''v','w','x','y','z')
guess = ""

    for alphabet in range(len(user_Password)):
        guess_alphabet = password[randint(0,25)]
        guess = str(guess_alphabet)+str(guess)
print('Your Password Is',guess)

So This was it For this Blog See you in the Next One till then Keep Coding Keep Exploring!

Get Source Code: GitHub


Tanmay Sinha

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