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How to Create Your Own Python Module | Python2 min read

How to Create Your Own Python Module Python

We All Use Modules In Python For Our Projects Which Helps Us to Import & Start Working. So In This Post, I’ll Tell you How you can Create Your Own Module &  Publish It On PyPi Website. 

For this We Need a Module Called twine & a Python PyPi Account. 

Table Of Contents:

  • What is PyPI?
  • How to Create Account On PyPI
  • How To Create your Own Module 
  • How to Publish Your Created Module On PyPI

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What is PyPI?

Python Package Index Also Known as PypI, it is an Official Third-Party Repository Created For Python. We Use PyPI For Installing Python Modules it is a Hub of Various Python Modules With Several Features.

How to Create Account On PyPI

Step 1: Go to the Official Website of PyPI Which is at:


Step 2: Click On the Register Button, And You Will Be Redirected to the Register Page. Enter Your Name, Email Address, Username & Password And Click on  the Create Account Button.

How To Create your Own Module 

In Order To Create Your Module Follow the Steps Carefully:

Step 1: Create a  New File Called ‘setup.p’ Where You Have the Source Code of the Program, In My Case I am Creating the Module for Jarvis Project.

Read Also: Python Tutorial

Step 2: Install the Following Modules 

  • Install Twine Module
pip install twine
  • Install Wheel Module
pip install wheel

Step 3: Once You Install the Twine Module, Run the Following Code to Upgrade  the SetupTools

Upgrade SetupTools:

python -m pip install --upgrade twine setuptools

Step 4: Upload Your Library:

Type the Following Code To Upload  Your Library:

twine upload dist/*

Step 4: Congrats,You Have Published Your Own Module On PyPI. 

So this Was it for this Blog See you In the Next One Till Then Keep Coding Keep Exploring!

Tanmay Sinha


The Ultimate Managed Hosting Platform

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